Saturday, February 20, 2016

20 February 2016- Kinetic Energy | PWN Physics 365

A On this day in physics: 20 February 1844- Happy Birthday to Ludwig Boltzmann, who would have turned 172 today. He is the Boltzmann of the Boltzmann constant, Boltzmann equation, Boltzmann distribution, Stefan-Boltzmann constant, Stefan-Boltzmann Law, to name a bit.

Word of the day- Kinetic Energy is the amount of energy that an object in motion has. This is not the same as momentum, but in some ways similar, because kinetic energy is dependent on both the mass and velocity, and can be calculated as .5*m*v^2. This is the amount of work required to get a mass m to the velocity v. Once at this velocity, the mass will continue to maintain this amount of kinetic energy until the speed changes, i.e. work of some sort is done on the object, whether it be friction, air resistance, or another active force, like a car putting on the brakes.

Quote of the Day: "In string theory, all particles are vibrations on a tiny rubber band; physics is the harmonies on the string; chemistry is the melodies we play on vibrating strings; the universe is a symphony of strings, and the 'Mind of God' is cosmic music resonating in 11-dimensional hyperspace." -Michio Kaku

Keywords: Boltzmann, Kinetic, Energy, Velocity

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