The wonderful day is finally here! We've come a long way and are finally finished with the notion of taking a vector and breaking it into components which align with our coordinate axis, a key tool to succeeding in physics. To provide a wrap-up, I would like to give you a walk through of the new pwn physics: vector components app now available in the Apple App Store. Included below are several screenshots from the app to give a visual aid to this guided tour. First, I took a screen shot of my home screen from my iPhone, which has some older apps, some unreleased (!) apps, and the vector components app which is of interest to us. You are brought to a welcome screen where I have a few words about the real importance of this technique on your journey as a physicist. Next we move to the menu where all in-app navigation takes place.
At this point let's take a look back at the steps for breaking and recombining vectors and their components. There are 5 steps for each of these. In the pwn physics: vector components app, we break down each step for breaking a vector into components.
Next, with tools in hand we must test our grasp of the knowledge, provided are four examples, one a kinematics, two from force, and the third a challenge, try and reverse the steps to recombine into the original vector. Kinematics and Force are two huge subsections of introductory physics. They are also a great playing field to see these techniques in action.
As a reference, provided is a section with some vector jargon which gets thrown around in the app rather comfortably. These are vector, vector component, and coordinate axis. Without these the uninitiated reader may get lost. They also embody the three critical elements of what is trying to be achieved in the problem: Identify a Coordinate Axis, Identify a Vector, Calculate the Vector Components.
Finally, as you press forward having learned and hopefully mastered this key concept, you may need a quick brush up in the future. We have you covered here as well. Included is a quick 12 flash-card review of questions which make you identify key concepts visually and via vocabulary. Throwing this into your last-minute review before a test will bring the information to the front of your mind and make sure that it is fresh and ready to use.
So, that is a quick tour of the Vector Components app, and will serve to wrap up the section. Be sure to check out the app in the store by clicking the link at the top or bottom of the page. Good luck!