Saturday, February 20, 2016

21 February 2016- Potential Energy | PWN Physics 365

A On this day in physics: 21 February 1953- Watson and Crick arrived at the conclusion that the DNA was a double helix structure using X-Ray crystallography. [Source]

Word of the day- Potential Energy is the ability for an object to do work. The most common example of this is gravitational potential energy. Remember from yesterday that an object can have kinetic energy by moving a certain velocity. Well, if you drop an object from a specific height, it will change velocity, how is this possible if we don't push it? Well, gravity is what is converting all that potential energy into kinetic energy. It is possible to calculate this potential energy by multiplying the mass, times the acceleration due to gravity (g or 9.81m/s^2) times the height above the ground. This is how much work can be converted into potential energy by gravity.

Quote of the Day: "I try to show the public that chemistry, biology, physics, astrophysics is life. It is not some separate subject that you have to be pulled into a corner to be taught about." -Neil Degrasse Tyson [Source]

Keywords: Potential, Energy, Height, Gravity, Mass

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