First off, Happy Autumnal Equinox! The first day of fall is upon us! At the equator, the length of the day and night is roughly equal, hence the name equi, meaning equal, and nox meaning night.
This week, the podcast episode focuses on an app that I came across a couple of weeks ago, called The Physics Quiz. I really like this app. It contains over 600 questions relating to particle physics created by Dr. P. Nilsson, a scientist stationed at CERN, a particle accelerator facility located in Geneva Switzerland. I reached out to him regarding featuring his app on the show and got his blessing. It was very exciting talking with someone who does research at one of the leading science facilities in the world!
I took the quiz 3 times, and included on the podcast is me on take 3, on the easy setting. It's a fun quiz. On take 3 I scored an 8 out of 10. I'll be posting take 1 and take 2 as bonus Physics Phrydays.
I think apps like this are fantastic. They test your knowledge and keep you interested, and make physics not seem like work. Its something that you can play with friends who aren't even in the physics field. I without warning sprung a quiz on one of my friends while we were out at dinner. It sparked a lot of interesting conversation and we had a good time!
One word of warning: Quiz levels Medium and Hard are rough. I scored a 6/10 on medium and 4/10 on hard. The questions are excellent and help you learn, but you are certainly going to have to earn your score! Another great thing about this app: the price. It's only 99 cents! Well worth the dollar and certainly has earned a permanent place on my iPhone. I find myself coming to it when I have a few minutes of downtime here and there. Who knows, maybe I'll spring it on some future guests of the show!
You can reach out to The Physics Quiz on twitter Here or click the link at the top to check it out for yourself in the app store. Enjoy!